“To be happy on a horse, it’s like being between earth and sky.” said the French writer Jérôme Garcin. Similarly, Antonia Eraud, Equine Therapist & Coach in Barcelona & in Maresme, could add “To be happy on a horse, it’s like being between the true and the best version of yourself.”

Horse Girl All Over the World

Cantering since the age of 6 and born into a family of riders, Antonia Eraud has been close to horses since she was little. Growing up, she traveled all over the world and lived in several countries -in Chile and England- where she discovered equestrian cultures in each country.

Far from the stables, closed to kids

However, her professional path has started far from the barns. After some business and publishing studies, she has worked for 7 years in publishing houses and espcially in children publishing houses. Through her missions in children publishing, she was looking at encouraging kids to learn with joy and curiosity.


2024 UNIR

Master in Sports Coaching & Psychology

2023 Eveil et Nature

Online Forest School Training

2023 Université de Genève

Supporting and Engaging People with Autism – MOOC

2022 FAADA 

Online Training in Humanitarian Education

2021 Les Montessouricettes

Online Montessori Training

2020 Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Master in Animal Law

2019 Akhanda Yoga
200H Yoga Teacher Training

2018 Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Postgraduate in Equine Therapy and Prosocial Communication

2017 PNL Barcelona, Barcelona
NLP Practicioner

2017 Equilibri, Spain
Certificate in Coaching w/ Horses (expert level)

2016 Bristish Association of Art Therapists, London, UK
Certificate in Art Therapy

2012 -2016 Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Certificate of Higher Education in Psychology

2010 Université Paris Ouest, Summer School, Florence, Italie
Intensive Program about Children Publishing and Learning Strategies

2009-2010 Oxford Brookes, Oxford, UK
Master of Arts – Publishing

2003-2008 ESSCA, Angers, France
Master in Business and Communication Studies

 Horses, Nature & Therapy

Few years after, her studies in psychology at Oxford Universityand in personal development make her take off for a new professional chapter as a therapist. She completes her training in studying coaching with horses (expert level) with Equilibri and equine therapy at Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona.  Since then, she welcomes adults, professionals and kids at Centre d’Equitació Poni Club de Catalunya in Barcelona  and at  Mas de Vallalta in Maresme, for individual and group sessions.

Research & Publications

From her solid experience supporting individuals, companies and children with horses, Antonia  wrote and illustrated a first book Le guide de la cavalière libérée – The Guide of the Free Rider in collaboration with the Ethological Horse Riding Instructor, Apolline Loubradou. They demonstrate the importance of emotional intelligence in contact with horses and offer exercices and dynamics to meet horses from a sensitive and empathetic perspective.

Constantly in research of supporting better the well-being of humans and animals, Antonia published an academic book Welfare Considerations in Animal-Assisted Interventions with  Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

The Horse Emotion Method

The Horse Emotion Method is based on an academic research by Antonia Eraud, published in the Journal of Animal Law – available here!

A monitored and controlled project

Looking for significative results & progress, Antonia Eraud aims at quantifying and measuring results through initial evaluations, regular evaluations and tests, check-up of coaching action plans and exchange & feedback with the professionals in relation w/ the rider.

A holistic approach

Much more than a meeting with a horse, the Horse Emotion Method has the intention to make you take the most of this experience in nature and to connect with your inner nature. The interaction with the horse may be coupled with some of the following techniques:

  • Positive psychology
  • Neuro-linguistic programmation (NLP)
  • Mindfulness
  • Art therapy
  • Yoga & ayurveda medicine
  • Non-violent communication
  • Natural horsemanship

An experience for a social animal

If the Horse Emotion Method offers you a conversation with your inner nature, it is also the opportunity to explore new ways to appreciate the outer nature. Welcome at our stables and barns, you will have the possibility to be part of a fantastic herd! The Horse Emotion has the objective to make you feel part of the place by creating connexions.

Welcome volunteers!

Would you like to know more about equine therapy? Would you like to spend time with horses? Will you be interested in helping our most vulnerable riders? We will wleocme you with great pleasure and would love to count on your help! Contact us to know more!